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Rose Adele
7 min read
5 reasons why your home might look cluttered + organization tips
Most of us accumulate many items that we love and/or use, however sometimes we don't organize these items in the ways they're begging to...
Rose Adele
3 min read
Renter Friendly Bathroom Update: Details & How-To
When I first moved in, I thought least exciting part of my cottage was the bathroom. It didn't really have any charm or character, which...
Rose Adele
3 min read
How I "made" my couch
I've covered a bit about my couch in previous blog posts, but since I have recently seen an uptick in questions on how exactly I layered...
Rose Adele
3 min read
Tips for making a modern apartment cozier
More and more we're seeing the emergence of cold boxes, aka apartments that get the job done (which we're grateful for), yet leave our...
Rose Adele
5 min read
One month in the cottage... Home projects & more.
It's been a lovely couple of weeks in the cottage and I can't even express how much more at peace I feel here. Not only is it quieter,...
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